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About Bacon

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 19/02/1971

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  • Interests
    COURSING COURSING AND MORE COURSING.MilusBars Bull X.Lamping. Off Roading.Landrover 90s. and Work Work Work
  1. getting out come on rain rain rain

  2. On the piss

    1. bird


      got a heavy+sun burned head today. lager+sun dont mix lol

    2. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      1 part water,1 part pure fruit juice,pinch of salt,rehydrate you

    3. Bacon


      Sunburn and larger yes

  3. come on get that grass cut

  4. bacon long time no see!!

  5. Rain

    ay up pal aint it shit now we aint out

    hows ya pup boss

  6. I got my self a pair of Irish setter boot they where shit leaked straight away and they wouldn,t do anything to sort th problem. Dont waste your money on them Well i will take your advice and watch how my mates get on this winter then,his are ElkHunters but i cant remember the model number,thanks for your reply mate
  7. have you been on to day look at my pup in gallery madcow MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO MOOO!:-)

  8. cheers for the welcome mate
  9. cheers will go and look for o survey map also do you have any pics of your bike green laneing sounds ok on bike but bet you get knocked about abit

  10. hello and cheers mate thanks for the welcome go and look in my gallery go a few photos of my dogs hope to speak to you soon :drink:
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