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About tcrowe1

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  • Birthday 25/10/1971

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  1. I tried the technique that you suggested Murph and also some of my own made up method - both at the weekend. My method which bought in a lovely buck (but could not get a shot) was what has been described by a friend of mine as the Roe rape call (his words not mine!). It only seems to work on bucks; although does do tend to hang about, if not get any closer. The so called rape call is made by compressing the last third of the bulb - ie you've had the fie sound and then as you collpase the bulb completely you get what is best described as "honk". The best sound which seemd to drive my buck mad
  2. I'm no expert on calling them but I've had best results from calling in woods or on the edges of them-I watched a doe this morning moving along a hedge out in a field and tried the call but there was no response at all, they just don't seem to go for it out in the open. You can get them to run straight in to around 5 /10 yards inside woods at times. I use the buttolo (apparently the cherrywood call works as well but i've never tried it) and use the fie 3 second pause pattern that's in the sticky for calling roe at the top of the stalking section on here. I rarely get a result using the call
  3. Hi all - am new to THL and am interested in any tips on woodland Muntjac stalking. Have had some success with a buttalo call, but don't really know how often and what sort of noise to make. i think i over did it a bit last time as although i called a buck in he seemed to pin point me by my constant calling before i saw him and then circled downwind of me and then ran. Is this typical, or was he just a savvy one? Any advice welcome Thanks
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