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Dolphin lover

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About Dolphin lover

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. I was driving home from bingo one night and saw a moving bag on the side of the road. I got out to check it out and there were 3 lurcher puppies in there. I've found homes for the other 2 but kept one of them because he looks like he could grow into a nice dog, i think there is quite a lot of collie in there and some grey and bull. Anyway, the problem is I've had him now for about 6 days (I think he was about 5-7 weeks old when i found him) and he is STILL urinating in the house I think it is because I am in work about 9-10 hours a day and he thinks he can get away with it because I am not t
  2. I went out lamping before with a live chicken, whenever we clocked a fox we would tickle the chicken's feet until it squeeked. That used to draw it in easy. another person is needed though to hold and tickle the chicken. Hope this helps mate
  3. Tempted to try mine on a magpie (larsen trap is busy these days) would they be ok to eat one at 12 weeks old? would I have to pluck the feathers off it or anything? No, no need mate, my mate fed a fox carcus to his 9 week old ferret before, didnt prepare it or anything and that last him a couple of weeks, good eating as well apparently. Hope this helps mate
  4. Make sure the bird has enough room to breath, don't smother it so that it can't breath. Whenh its ready to leave the box it will start to fit.thats what happened to me before so i chucked it out the box and it flew off after about 35minutes of being on the floor. My mate made a figurine of a large fox before and he put that on his windowsil to stop the birds flying into it. Or you could make a scare crow and sit it on the window ledge, stop the magpies as well then
  5. Try battersea dog home..... bound to be full of saluki crosses in there............. Might be a couple of jackers right enough, but hey, what's new...... Yeh there are loads online, loads of free sites to buy dogs from, try a few, il try for you if you want, I wouldn't go to Iran anyway cos it's dangerous there atm, Its right next door to Iraq where there is a war on between terrorists and the USSR. I wouldn't trust them either, might not be a real dog or something. stick to the uk mate, buy british!haha!
  6. Nice looking pups mate, are they fully grown or will they get bigger?They look good for going to earth but not alot going for them as a running dog mate
  7. You could maybe paint some BOP (Birds Of Prey) on your windows to deter they smaller birds. Not sure if it would attract any larger predators though. Might be worth painting a figure of a man on there as well, that would keep the foxes ect. from running into it and creating a new problem. Hope this helps mate
  8. You don't have to go that far for a saluki, you can pick them up fairly cheap right here in the UK, Il have a look on E-Pupz if you want and send you a link?hope this helps mate
  9. My mate had a Harris and he trained it to go in water by leaving it in a room with the gold fish. Then when it was wound up enough he'd let it loose then, went straight in apparently. Hope this helps mate
  10. You really are a thick f**ker aint you? May the lord have mercy on your soul Have you obtained your 'extreme hunter' status by being rude to innocents?If you dont have anything to say about the thread then why bother saying anything at all?What bird do you fly then? No doubt you'l have a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to BOP ( Birds Of Prey)
  11. the only thing being wound up is me, by you. do me a favour, read up A LOT, gain A LOT more knowledge about BOPs (Birds Of Prey) and then come back in a years time, when u'l know 10% of what I do
  12. erm...sounds small for a gos mate REALLY? :doh: What weight did yor mates fly at? He hasnt got a gos, he's got a merlin and a kestrel, mean looking things. But in the RIGHT hands, beautiful. I wouldn't advise you getting either though im affraid, you need a lot of experience, something you clearly dont have :wallbash:
  13. erm...sounds small for a gos mate
  14. Your duff bird is a waste of oxygen, looks to me like he couldnt even catch a wounded badger, let alone decent prey. And it looks like youve been had by someone saying that its a spar when its quite obviously a goshawk, done big time mate It's idiots like you that give Falconry a bad name and YOU are why it is so frowned upon.
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