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About bratton

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 19/02/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    worksop notts
  • Interests
    ferreting lamping hare coursing pre ban
  1. looking for a good gun prefebel with bottle or pump but anything considered thanks
  2. i was just wondering whats the best way to get my pup running beam i usually use food at end of beam but just wondering is there any better ways cheers
  3. i was just wondering what is the best way to get your dogs running beam i usually use food and end of beam but i was wondering is there any better ways cheers bratton
  4. have you still got this mate message me if you have
  5. there is to many people just trying to ruin posts and pull dogs down on this site
  6. shes a collie gery merle to a whippet lads and cheers!
  7. shes only 18 tts mate and just starting her now getting her retreiving and taking her out in day mooching and to watch on lamp not gunna run her till around 10 11 month tho cheers
  8. my collie grey whippet pup 7 months old coming on well
  9. il give you a ring in the morning mate
  10. march and yeah both fine drives perfect cheers
  11. for sale 2000 x reg vw golf for sale black in colour 100k miles test but no tax i dint in front wing nothing major just needs some tlc and will be back mint £550 ovno nottinghamshire
  12. for sale vw golf 2000 model in exellend condition tax and test just had a new clutch fitted all receipts had over 5000 spent on it looking for £1400 ono
  13. ive got an 16 month old colliexgreyhound fro sale mate killed a few on lamp and in day just needs bringing on mail me cheers
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