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About Ryan_b_09

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 29/09/1991

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  1. I no mate I was burying it this morning with Dimmock
  2. [NO TEXT TALK] else gt a pup out if that litter?
  3. Avnt seen the dog yet n yhyh Dimmock
  4. my pals cousin as just gt a pup from that litter
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2249461/Fox-hunting-David-Camerons-local-hunt-admits-hunting-foxes-dogs.html
  6. Don't no if this as been up yet so ill bang it on.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9750897/David-Camerons-local-hunt-guilty-of-illegal-fox-hunting.html
  7. It's usually York we used t meet at York McDonalds
  8. No good at right ups so here's the picture of the bag http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h474/ryan_b_09/44A0BF8A-383A-4FEA-BA1D-E012A1846EF7-8690-000008527CF177F9.jpg
  9. I got tagged in this on my face book good laugh lmao the thick fcuk
  10. his names pipa give him a pm he fixes them atb
  11. Just been lookin on preloved at dogs and there is sum pups for sale but the merle dogs are £50 extra why is that? There exactly the same dogs from the same litter does the colour make them a better dog lol?
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