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About thehunter09

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 27/08/1986

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  • Interests
    cat carp fishng
  1. dont get it mate.......do you want the lamp or sumthing
  2. as above live in doncaster southyorkshire £40 pickup only cheers. dont get to pc much so if intrested please ring me on 07500264093
  3. thats shit mate hope you get him back....how did it get out
  4. cheap as that pal should sell straight away that pal.i just paid 180 for the same one lol.
  5. just got a new blitz setup so selling the striker with red filter no batterys just lamp an filter.i am in doncaster. offers
  6. google euro guns mate you will find them in there
  7. if its running an earnin its keep its no good in your kennels?you would think if it wos running an earnin its keep thats another reason to keep him.well thats [bANNED TEXT] i would of thought anyway.
  8. is luvin his new dog

    1. JIM12


      aye up mate i sent you a pm your inbox must be full i will have it for 50 quid does everything work ok

  9. no mate its still here,i live in southyorkshire.were abouts you from?.cheap lamp this i think it cost me 130 pound for all of it 3 4 weeks ago
  10. for note that pal i wood snatch it up but need to sell my lamp first
  11. not a chance mate had a 12v 17 amp battery an only got about 5 hours out of that.thats wos running a light force 170. good luck wth the sale anyways
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