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About aj1980

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 21/05/1980

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  1. 80/20 split is a stupid request sounds like a excuse to me
  2. Yea had a colli gray put down last year 4 year old having fits sometimes 2 a week but could go weeks without one .Vet said it was epilepsy & can be treated but not cured
  3. fecking head is spinning after reading 5 pages of that shite
  4. Seen some mad Norwegian bloke eat 1 on YouTube he boiled the head & ate that said it tasted like it smells witch I would imagine would be fecking disgusting
  5. think hes at long lane gym not sure who trains him but as said he did get put down a few times before he turned pro
  6. out of intrest how do you think this fight would go i recon price would end it early
  7. some of the matrix squad got caught selling stuff they'd taken from raids on e bay about 6 month ago (merseysid)
  8. ok lets hear what fights you want to see next season id like to see mayweather v kahn & its a no brainer for me coz i dont like either but think it could be a decent fight
  9. mines mitchell v murray maybe coz it was the last good fight of the season but it would be good to hear your thoughts
  10. not being funny people slag lads off for buying from hancock but at least you know neither dam or sire have worked . insted you get dickheads churning so called worker to worker dogs that havent actualy worked
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