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About Quasar

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Good Afternoon Fellows , Apologies if this is the wrong section, I was wondering if any one could give me some concrete advice. My wifes grandmother died a couple of weeks ago ( 100 yrs old ) and her husband who died 35 years earlier used to work for the Royal Ordnance in Cambridge, I am not sure if he has ever had a gun licence himself, but it is led to be believed that there could be a rifle or 2 and possibly a hand gun which he had brought home back in the day ( showing off what he had made ) As a gun enthusiast , i would like to keep these guns in the family and po
  2. whoops i thought this was SEARCH - lol

  3. Nice Story enjoyed that./ I thought that was a long sleeve cammo till i realised they were tatts
  4. Exactly what Lee-Kinsman said, I used to break in young kits for friends and you should see the state of my hands. oh and nose -lol ( thats another story )
  5. When we moved to our new house and met the neighbours they mention that there was a few rat tunnels beneath a concrete base in our garden and running to theirs. We have since custom build our huge shed/court there which can house 50 ferrets, and have never seen any rats since ferrets moved in
  6. Yet After Strange Aeons, Even Death Will Die.

  7. I am selling my Gamo Shadow RSV Full Power Air Rifle, This rifle has served me well over the last year, and have since upgraded to an AA S400. Its a .22 Built in silencer and will leave my scope on. I am at work at present and will take a pic later when i get home. I paid £200 for the gun, and will be happy with £160. I am based in North Cambs ( Fenland ) and work in Cambride so can cover 2 areas for a sale. please do get in touch if interested. (The image i have attached now is a stock photo) Regards Q
  8. dont think my missus will be too pleased putting her pic in thus thread
  9. Worth watching all 10 mins.. various types of bullets. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=aa6_1255061340
  10. What's there tits like any good , If they are take a pic and put them up for us lot a coupl fof the office girl's tits are veryyyy nice... especially to suckle on....
  11. too right feekign hell, i just clicked the link and couldnt close the video fast enough as a couple of the office girls were looking too, thinking it was an awww nice doggy clip. made my day though, not sure whose face was redder, mine or theirs.
  12. "His spelling is excellent" ???? Really, I think you need to re-read it.
  13. its down for maintenance across several servers, they will be coming online one by one through the day which is why some account are back online and some are not.
  14. Start Settings Control Panel Sounds and Audio Devices Tick the option Place Audio Icon in the TaskBar
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