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TheHuntingLife.com is the #1 largest and most popular website for hunting in the UK and Europe on the internet and TheHuntingLife.com continues to meet the needs of our hunting community, our clients and our advertisers.

Expose your company to over 384,000 visiting hunters viewing 6.6 million pages and generating 36 million hits every month (based on statistics from May 2012). TheHuntingLife.com is very sticky with an average of 17.2 pages per visit per user. Every day on every page hunters will associate your company with hunting and fieldsports.

Over 80% of today's consumers use the internet as the primary resource to research and decide on what products and services to buy. Hunting related online sales of products and services continue to experience massive growth. Magazines have lost ground to the internet as a decision making tool.

- No other website related to hunting comes close to the traffic and content that TheHuntingLife.com provides. - Your company will be exposed to about 60 percent new visitors every month. Be seen by new hunters that never read magazines. With magazines you reach the same audience over and over. - We also reach hunters who are not affiliated with hunting organization, hunters who do not attend shows or subscribe to hunting publications as well as those who do. Get exposed to a much wider audience, thousands of hunters that shows do not reach. - More hunters visit AfricaHunting.com each month than the Safari Club international convention or the Dallas Safari Club convention and their website combined. We get greater annual visitors than all of the largest international shows combined. Go where the hunters are! - New media reaches younger and older hunters who desire instant information and entertainment. Old media such as magazines are missing out on younger demographic with static and dated format. This is the future of your business. - Average visitor comes to AfricaHunting.com once a week or more so they see your ad frequently. Readers may look at a magazine only once in a month. - AfricaHunting.com comes up on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing search results for over 5,000 main keywords search terms. We get quality traffic and targeted daily exposure to hunters worldwide. - AfricaHunting.com reaches industry professionals who are influential. These key people influence decisions in your favor. Available 24 hours a day every day of the year. Immediate gratification unlike print media, magazines comes only once a month or less. AfricaHunting.com is a weekly habit for many hunters with our interactive community. It keeps hunters engaged and coming back unlike magazines that have no interactivity at all. - Wealth of content available, over 50,000 pages and growing daily. Hunters use AfricaHunting.com for the ease of finding everything they are looking for in ONE place. Magazines have very limited content. - We can show videos of your products and services in action. Nothing sells like live action and product demos. Magazines have no video capability. - Websites are good for the environment, no paper, no trucks. Hunters are conservationists and have been protecting the environment and wildlife long before it was 菟opular? Print media is not environmentally friendly.
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